Friday, March 26, 2010

E-Mail Delivery Status Notification

Ever get one of these e-mail returns?

Mail Delivery System []

This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.
Delivery to the following recipients is still underway after 49.9 hour(s):

Will keep trying and contact you if the message can't be delivered permanently.
Thanks, but no thanks, I get it. The e-mail I sent isn’t going through. It's been almost 50 hours and you're still trying.... Seriously, is it necessary to be notified a dozen times daily that I’m wrong and they know it? Listen, IP (short for internet provider but it should mean incessant pesterer) Here’s my authorization:


I think to myself “Why do they keep reminding me with their automatically-generated-delivery-status-notification?” Because they enjoy torturing me, that’s why…and for this, I pay them money.

Here’s the bait: I see a new message in my inbox. Oh, no, it’s not a real e-mail, just another reminder/spank-across-the-ego from “Oh-so-better-than-thou IP” that the e-mail address I used was incorrect, or the recipient purposely changed his/her address solely to avoid all communications from me. This notification is a flagrant reminder that I screwed up. Oh yeah, it was me, because as far as “IP” Mailer Delivery System is a computer, and they NEVER make mistakes -- so much better than real humans....

What “IP” really wants to bleep is “Yeah, we’ll keep trying to send… but the only way that message is going anywhere other than the recycle bin is for you print it out, put it in a bottle and launch it into the Atlantic Ocean.

For now, we’ll continue attempting to send, while e-mailing you we can’t because, BLEEP -- that’s what we do - BLEEP!

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