Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Techno-savy no More!

When I turned 50 last year, my family gifted me with a laptop computer because my hubby was ALWAYS doing research on the desktop in the study.  Ever so slowly during the past year, he has adopted the use of my laptop 24/7 making it extremely difficult to obtain access, exiling me to the desktop in the study or texting from my cellphone.  Yeah, I'm a pretty techo-savy, happening 50-year-old computer/cellphone whiz mom I'd say.  That is until I was "de-throned" yesterday by disrespectful, bratty children.  You see, not having access to MY computer once again, I attempted to text a message to the children on Monday evening. My cellphone has a touchscreen, not buttons with letters, making life difficult. Not to mention that if one spaces two times, the phone chooses to put a period after the last letter assuming you are ending a sentence.  It also CAPITALIZES things randomly.  It's definitely some glitch in the phone, because I'm postive that it is not caused by operator-error :)

Here’s the text they received (I have to admit it is pretty bad…..
"Hi all. Sat is dads actual bday but we r celebrating with his havertown pals and staying over. At Gerr’s. My plan was a family dinner. On SUN here and Elisa and Jon could cook. I'll buy u guys cook. Laura could u do the cake? Tori it would be good of Kay could come and u guys help out. Dad is researching ear buds so I'll buy them (app $70) and u guys can split it if u want or choose ur own gift. Let me know if this works for u. Love mom"

After receiving the text, they discussed amongst themselves how many glasses of wine had been consumed before sending the treasured text to them.  The topic was the highlight of their day and I'm sure they shared many laughs on my behalf....aren't they just darling? 

Here's my reply:

Dearest Children who are making fun of my text from last night:

Please be advised that I had to send it on my quite “touchy” cell phone (which puts a period after every two spaces and CAPITALIZES everything) because **SHOCKER** dad was on my computer all night, yet again, this time searching for the ear buds from heaven suitable for his tender and discriminating ears . I will make sure that, in the future, I make a special effort to send an email from the desktop in the study rather than send a quick note, lest I be drawn and quartered verbally amongst yourselves via cellphone and over the internet.

Remember the gift you all gave me last year for my 50th birthday?  Well, I might draft a birthday card to dad re-gifting it to him this year, as it might as well be his sole possession.

As a sidebar, I would like to mention that I don’t recall any of you have a phone with a touch screen rather than buttons to send texts and until you do, please keep your smart-a** opinions and comments to yourselves.

P.S.  Remember the woman to whom you run when your computer(s) are acting up.  That can change, you know! Fondly,


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