Saturday, March 20, 2010

Fluffy Noodles for My Patient

Men are miserable when they are not feeling well.  This includes the entire array of sicknesses from severe head colds to splinters and ingrown toe nails.  What does a caregiver do when this happens?  I like to refer to it as the "poor baby" treatment.

Recently my significant other had a nasty head cold and was achy all over.  I called him to question what I could purvey for him from the supermarket to assist in his recovery.  "Soup with egg noodles was his stuffy reply."

My first inclination was to make the soup myself, but it was already 8 PM when I arrived at the supermarket and as I approached the aisle, I'll admit, I sold out and went directly to the cans. of soup.  Asurprisingly limited supply of canned chicken sat upon the shelf.  The kind we usually like chicken-wise, such as Italian Wedding, Chicken rice, etc. were there, but I didn't see anything clearly labeled "contains egg noodles."  I found one with wide yellow noodles (not the skinny Campbell's kind) and thought, "sold."  My purchased consisted of 6-8 cans of soup for my love.

Next morning, while preparing for work, my sweetheart stepped into the bedroom and asked, "Did you get me the soup yesterday?"
"Yes, there's like 50 cans of soup downstairs." I replied exaggerating. 

"Not with egg noodles -- they all have pasta."  I stared at him for a moment and continued applying eye makeup while explaining, "Look, I spent almost 20 minutes in the soup aisle looking for what you wanted.  I thought the can with the picture of the wide-yellow-ruffley noodles were egg noodles.  What's the difference between the two?  Seriously?"

"Well, the egg noodles are lighter and not so heavy.  They're easier to eat when you're sick."  I stared at him thinking oh so silently, "This from a man who will consume four meals before lunctime today, which most likely will include pizza and maybe a can of chili." In reality I smiled, looked up and responded sympathetically, "Poor baby, I'm sorry.  I'll try to do better next time :)"

Upon listening to my explanation of the story to a friend that morning, she asked "Did you smack him?"

"Oh no," I smiled, "I just apologized  and said next time I'll read the label closer."
Who could be angry at someone with a severe head cold who just wanted light-fluffy- egg-noodles?  Plus, this kind of material is priceless!  The entire dialogue amused me --I love it when life and family members provide me with humorous moments like these.  Believe me, there's so much more to come :)

PS -- Just went to the cabinet, (see picture) I think I was right all along.  No surprise :)


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