Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Sandwich Generation?

A friend e-mails me:
“Speaking of chores, I think we are the sandwich generation regarding chores. My mother never had any because she had me! My kids have me! Where did I go wrong??”

Got a minute? Step into my office... “Sandwich Generation” is a term usually applied to folks who are responsible for the care of both their children and parents at the same time. Your creative use of the term regarding family chores, is very interesting and one to which I can relate without elaboration. (Note: Excluding my older daughters who WILL read this, but were guilty on some counts as youngsters.)

Here’s where I assess that we went wrong:
• Simple admission of the problem itself. Never complain openly regarding this dilemma unless, as you did, it is to another mom/woman. Men, primarily husbands/fathers, will initially appear interested in an open dialogue on this topic; be prepared, they will turn on a dime in order to get back to their TV show or whatever they were doing prior to your little chat. The hubby/father trump card to your challenge will be similar to my experience: “Well, how do you think it got that way and what are you going to do to change it?” Game, set, match. OUCH!
• Non-implementation of the “Is Your Room Clean?” defense before allowing a child ANYTHING. (Note: I learned to employ this defense on child #3, but admit it was way too late. Works like an absolute charm.)
• We didn’t learn from our mothers! Double-duh! Their ability to employ daughters to cook, fold clothes, take care of younger siblings, etc. was to beyond stellar. We’re dunces for failing in this department.

My final advice, friend, is there’s still time for you, save yourself. Your children are still young! Hike you pantyhose high, take a deep breath and dig in, you CAN do it. You CAN win. Be the boss. It might require baby steps, but get those babies in line. And while you’re at it, get hubby in line too! I have faith in you! Keep me posted.

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