Monday, April 19, 2010

I Graduate High School on June 5, 2010.....Diploma please!

On Saturday, June 5, 2010, at 11:00 a.m., our youngest daughter will graduate from high school, thus ending the long and winding road of all three daughters’ illustrious 12 year high school span, as well as my own starring role as high school mom. For many of those years, I was the editor-in-chief of the school newsletter, trip chaperone, band booster, PTSA member, general volunteer, taxi cab, sports mom and fan, last-minute all-around baker and team dinner chef. Favorite team dinner entrĂ©e: hands down, Taco Chicken! I anticipate what lies ahead with both excitement and melancholy emotions.

With youngest attending university next fall, and middle child preparing to graduate in December, I have identified specific calendar opportunities for hubby and me to reacquaint ourselves with two old
friends – Mr. Leisure Activities and Mrs. Travel. Let me not overstate our position -- having 2 children in college is our primary financial priority, possibly limiting available funding for visiting Mr. Leisure and Mrs. Travel. Nevertheless, always the optimist, I see possibilities in ANY situation.

Realistically considering our financial priorities: TWO college educations, FOUR automobiles, THREE cell phones and a partridge in a pear tree; perhaps a day trip to Atlantic City in December might be along the lines of what the budget can handle. Still, I’m joyously reveling (imagine cartwheels) in the knowledge that there will be NO two-week August sports pre-season, NO last-minute sports physical, NO blackout dates for any plans in August and September, and NO nighttime meetings. Oh, sweet freedom! Sweet joy!

Yes, your honor, I’m ready for graduation. But not before I share this final thought to my daughters: Girls, I seriously had the time of my life. High school, the second, third and fourth time around presented me with so many joyful, memorable experiences, life-long friends and heartfelt laughter, I wouldn’t trade one minute. I truly thank God for the blessing to have been able to share each treasured high school day, sun-shiny or not, with each of my precious daughters.

Who knows? Maybe university life will provide a few more blogs….

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