Friday, September 10, 2010

My Little Pony

I’ve received a few gifts this summer, but none as meaningful as my little pony. Following a series of serious, silly and nonsensical political discussions, my little pony named “pinkie pie” arrived in a little gift bag about a month ago, and though she is probably only worth $5, I consider her to be priceless.

I could write an entirely serious, boring chapter reporting on how pinky pie came to fruition, but I’ll summarize by sharing that she is an award, a tribute for stick-to-itness, for never giving up in life. She is kind of like an Oscar for attempting to be a good worker, sister, daughter, friend, mother, wife, and American citizen.

I think the exact words which prompted pinky’s purchase was my begging for a pony after my brother sarcastically commented “Oh, you’ve actually tried to contribute to society? Here’s a pony!” (Referring to what our government should do instead of other things….) I fell off the couch in laughter at his reasoning and immediately began obnoxiously begging for a pony of my very own every time I saw him by bellowing “I want pony!” Doesn’t this bring to mind the Seinfeld pony episode where the great aunt says, “I had pony!”

Pinky represents all that is good and shiny and fluffy in the world. She even came with her own combing brush in case her glittery, synthetic hair becomes matted as a result of life’s trials and tribulations. Pinky’s hair looks fab, but I could use that comb myself a few times a day. Just tossing that out there... It ain’t easy living up to the expectations of the ownership of my little pony. You know, I once had a priest friend tell me the one of the most important prayers to God would be for strength and guidance in life. Period, end. Those words have carried me pretty far in both blessed and trying times. Pinky is just an added accessory, and she’s all mine! Thanks, Ed for one of the best and most meaningful gifts of the year!

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