Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Miss Me? It's Been Over a Month!

Dear Blog:

Sorry for the quiet period. I’ve been busy lately with the final days of summer and haven’t had necessary time to write about what’s happening. . . or much else. So here’s the deets:

Nowadays, I guess you could say I’m kind of a large deal, as my job responsibilities have increased a bit. I wouldn’t exactly use the word “promotion”, but just yesterday, I silently earned the responsibility of chief sanitation office for the church. Jealous? Please, don’t be. Specifically, I was THE self-appointed staff member who single-handedly eliminated the need for our old raccoon-loving, residential-type trash cans (which were full with something similar to oozing lava.) Additionally, I managed the transitional switch from large to small dumpster. (Imagine: If I had suspenders on at this time, I would be snapping them in pride while chewing on a toothpick…) I am positive that by adding this task to my resume, in conjunction with the recently-acquired farmers’- market-potty-supervisor duty on Thursday afternoons, I’ve catapulted my career marketability into hyperspace. I don’t mean to brag, but let’s be real, it has taken me about ten years of independent, hard work to achieve this level of career glamour, and I’m not about to part with it now.

Another title my husband and I have acquired together this week is “empty-nesters”, a different kind of large-dealishness, if you will. Go ahead, ask me where my tape dispenser is, or in which drawer my scissors sit. You might even be wondering in whose wallet my cash and credit cards reside. Well, it’s a secret no more: the kitchen drawer, and MY wallet! For those of you who have been thoughtful enough to mention this: I realize it’s temporary, and the little cherubs return home, but that’s a happy thing far into the future. I’m choosing to revel in today’s glory.

I wanted to share the news of a funny gift from my brother, which I personally refer to as an award, but I decided it warrants its very own blog article. So keep your eyes open for “pinky-my-little-pony.” Coming soon, with picture!

Exhaustedly, I’ve come to the realization that as an empty-nester, I must now reorganize every room, closet and drawer in the house to restore order to our home. Over the past 24 years, there have been more than a few folks residing together, each putting things where she may think it belongs. Now, is the time for all good empty-nesters to carpe diem and bring order once again to every inch of the home. That is, one inch at a time. Baby steps, remember? Ugggg….well, maybe I’ll allow myself just a bit of time to blog 

Happy Labor Day!

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