Saturday, May 15, 2010

Newsflash: tableware missing, culprit still at large...

Where, oh where, has my cutlery gone? It’s a bare cavernous abyss in my cutlery drawer. The next logical conclusion is, “…must be in the dishwasher.” So I go to the dishwasher and find two forks and a spoon. This is becoming quite frustrating. There's no way I'm resorting to a plastic spork!

We have three people currently living in our home. Within the past year I KNOW we had a service for at least eight people. Currently, our flatware might fully serve two people. I guess some family members (who shall remain nameless) didn’t get the memo that flatware is not to be put into the trash.

So, it’s off to Target where I purchase various needed supplies and eight forks and spoons. Upon checkout the cashier comments, “Well, it seems you have the same problem at home with tableware as I do. I’ve stopped purchasing replacements. I have family members who just give me their old flatware and I throw it into a drawer, all mixed up. Kind of makes it hard to find.” I respond that I feel her pain, and mention I’m not quite so lucky to have hand-me-down tableware so I have to purchase more.

Ah, the drawer fully restored to normalcy, all is right with the world – for now.

PS – Dear family members, please consider this notice to put flatware in the dishwasher or sink, not the trash, after dining. Your cooperation will be fully appreciated. Love, Mom

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