Thursday, June 23, 2011

Our New Tenants

It seems like just last fall we were driving to the university campus to drop off our daughters.   Sure there were milliseconds of parental sadness, but we quickly became members of the empty-nesters club.   It’s a sweet little organization where everything you own is yours and no one secretly breaks, touches or moves anything.   The mantra is simple:  r-e-s-p-e-c-t. 

Just as we were becoming cozy, our utopia was interrupted by the return of our sweet cherubs, whose move home included multiple bedrooms with clothing cast in hurricane-like patterns; a broken refrigerator drawer left dangling in the breeze; and if that’s not enough evidence, how ‘bout the mountains of laundry which never actually rotate through a complete cycle without a little parental push, or the sinks full of dishes awaiting the secret dishwashing fairy?   Alas, the sweet taste of empty-nest joy has been interrupted by our new tenants.   One difference – our tenants don’t actually pay or offer any rent.  As our children, they seem to think they’re entitled to utilize as much free stuff as possible while copping an “I hate your guts” attitude pretty much 24/7.   Envious?  Yup, I thought so.

The collective thinking of our tenants is that whatever belongs to their parents belongs to them.  Lost your hairbrush?  No problem, they just help themselves to yours.  Need a cell phone charger?  Just rip the one that mom uses out of the wall – and please…don’t you dare leave a note!  The icing on the cake is to act completely stupid or annoyed if confronted with any of the above while posing a “How dare you suggest such a thing!”

Uggggg…how many days ‘till school begins?