Saturday, April 16, 2011

Our Beloved GB and the Blue Toolbox

They say there are special folks one meets in heaven... if that is true, I hope George is there for me. We lost him very quickly and celebrated his life today at LBPC.  God Bless you George, I will love you forever!
George’s Blue “Makita” toolbox has been a fixture in this church for years. It’s usually perched on a table in the social hall as it silently whispers and waves, “Hey, George is here -- he’s working on something again!” Occasionally, hours would whiz by without the slightest glimpse of George, but he was present; after all the blue tool box wouldn’t lie. Eventually he would emerge from his latest endeavor and pop into the office to check in and say “howdy” knowing there’d be a possible stack of documents waiting for his signature. Like the old TV character on Mash, I felt like “Radar” always following around “Henry” for signatures on documents. And like “Henry”, George quickly examined the documents he was about to sign, knowing things were in order, because we were a team. And that team was and is part of a larger family; a family who deeply loves and supports each other throughout all of life’s challenges.

The blue tool box has now become an icon. Its definition is simple: “Things are going to be okay.” If something is broken, we’ll fix it. If something is worn out, we’ll replace it. If something needs to be invented or engineered…w-e-l-l, that one might not be as easy. George has taught us so many valuable lessons about how to simply live and treat each other just the way God would want, and he demonstrated that through his service by joyfully volunteering for countless hours to his “two loves”, his Church and Canine Partners for life.

George will remain in our hearts and minds forever, and that blue tool box, well, it’s still whispering to us quietly and this time, it’s reassuring us, “George is here!” He is in our church, our minds and hearts.  We will love him forever!